Figure 2.
Morphological characteristics of Fusarium sp. INECOL_BM-04 and Fusarium sp. INECOL BM-06 isolated from X. morigerus. Colony morphology in PDA at 7 and 14 days of incubation of Fusarium sp. INECOL_BM-04: (A,C) colony surface; (B,D) colony undersurface, and Fusarium sp. INECOL_BM-06; (L,N) colony surface; (M,O) colony undersurface. Microscopic characters of Fusarium sp. INECOL_BM-04: conidia (E–G), chlamydospores (J,K), and aerial conidiophores (H,I) in SNA or CLA; and Fusarium sp. INECOL_BM-06: sporodochia in PDA (P), conidia (Q,R), chlamydospores (S) and aerial conidiophores (T,U) in SNA or CLA. Photographs were taken at 10 dpi. Scale bar = 25 µm; scale bar in p = 1 mm.