Figure 2. Effects of Fabp4-Cre ablation of Arid5b on tissue and weight gains in male mice.
A. Body weights for male mice maintained on standard diets. Body weights are shown for WT (circles), and FSKO mice (squares). Values are means ± SE for eight mice in each group. B. Body weights for male mice maintained on STD and HFD. At 120 days of age (Diet Day 0), male WT (circles) and FSKO mice (squares) were randomly-assigned to STD (open symbols) or HFD (closed symbols) diets and maintained on these diets until they reached 200 days of age. Body weights were assessed every five days. Values are means ± SE for 10–20 mice in each group at each time point. Solid line, WT HFD versus WT STD; long-dashed line, FSKO HFD versus STD; short-dashed line, for WT HFD versus FSKO HFD, and (lower) dotted line for WT STD versus KO STD. C. Calorie consumption for mice maintained on STD chow and HFD. Calorie consumption was calculated for the mice shown in B. Values are means ± SE for 10–20 observations in each group at each time point. FSKO and WT HFD versus STD chow for the five-day period beginning at the indicated diet day. D Raw tissue weights for WT (black borders) and FSKO mice (gray borders) that were maintained on STD chow (open boxes) or switched to HFD for 12 weeks (filled boxes). E. Tissue weights normalized to total body weight. Values are means ± SE for 4–7 mice in each group. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.