Fig. 1.
A. Spectrogram of the LFP of the left Vim nucleus with stimulation at 0.0 mA (OFF), tremor activity around 4 Hz is visible throughout the experimental protocol. B. Spectrogram of the dominant accelerometer axis. C. Cross spectral analysis (coherence) of the left Vim and right arm during stretching of the right arm showing significant cortico-kinematic coherence around the tremor frequency and its harmonics. D. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the DBS leads localized in MNI space using Lead-DBS software (Horn et al., 2019). Recording electrode contacts are highlighted in red. Vim = ventral intermediate nucleus (based on the DISTAL atlas (Ewert et al., 2018)), nd-DRTT = non-decussating dentatorubrothalamic tract (based on the DBS Tractography Atlas (Middlebrooks et al., 2020). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)