Figure 1. Images demonstrated surgical procedures to establish a mouse model of disc herniation induced radiculopathy (lateral disc puncture with nerve exposure).
(a) A cartoon illustrates the mechanism of disc herniation induced radiculopathy, in which herniated disc tissue protrudes towards the nearby nerves. (b) Macrograph showing the anatomic structure of IVDs and spinal nerves after surgical exposure. (c) Macrograph of exposed L5 and L6 discs prior to needle puncture. (d) Macrograph of exposed discs and adjacent nerves. (e) Sagittal X-ray indicating entry of a needle (red arrow) into the L5/6 disc. (f) Inflammatory tissue surrounding discs and nerves were visualized on POD 7. Images in b-e and f were captured with a Nikon digital camera under a dissecting microscope.