Figure 9.
Pedigree-based heritability () of brain torque profiles estimated using the ABCD and HCP datasets. (A) Bar graphs with error bars illustrate estimates and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for frontal/occipital petalia, bending and shift. (B) Blue lines with error bars represent estimates and 95% CI for sectional width and perimeter asymmetries. Red dots indicate significant heritability (P < 0.05/120). The left hemisphere of the FreeSurfer fsaverage cortical surface template is displayed above the heritability plots as the reference of brain anatomy. (C) Maps of estimates (thresholded at FDR < 0.05/3) and corresponding standard errors (SE) of surface positional asymmetries along the Left-Right (AsymLR), Antero-Posterior (AsymAP) and Dorso-Ventral (AsymDV) axes. .