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. 2022 Mar 8;9:817735. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2022.817735


Group classifications according to gender, severity, and age with clinical outcomes of patients.

Group A N = 16 Group B N = 19 Test of significance
 Male: N = 15 (43%) 7 (44%) 8 (42%) X 2 = 0.0667
 Female: N = 20 (57%) 9 (56%) 11 (58%) P = 0.7963
 Mild 2 1 W = 194
 Moderate 5 2 P = 0.0827
Severe 9 16
 Diabetes mellitus (DM) 7 5 X 2 = 0.33
P = 0.56
 Hypertension (HTN) 7 5 X 2 = 0.33
P = 0.56
 DM + HTN 4 3 X 2 = 0
P = 1
 Bronchial asthma 2 2 X 2 = 0
P = 1
Mean ±SD Standard error Mean ±SD Standard error Test of Sig.
 Age/years 35.73 27.61 7.13 18.68 22.67 5.20 W = 85
P = 0.0476
 TLC (thousands/cmm3) 9.93 4.39 1.098 14.14 18.53 4.25 W = 152
P = 1
 Hemoglobin (g/dl) 10.23 1.76 0.44 10.45 2.32 0.534 W = 130
P = 0.47
 Platelets (thousands/cmm) 249.06 133.21 30.56 253.36 85.66 21.41 T test = 0.1153
 Ferritin (mg/L) 394.71 245.47 61.36 334.07 401.67 92.15 W = 110.5
P = 0.1744
 Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) (U/L) 412.71 188.47 47.11 395.68 189.68 43.51 t test = -0.266
P = 0.7923
 D-dimer(mg/L) 1.40 1.40 0.35 2.84 5.54 1.27 W = 131
P = 0.497

Total leukocyte count (TLC) (thousands/cmm3), hemoglobin (g/dl), platelets (thousands/cmm3), ferritin (mg/L), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) (U/L). X 2 : Chi-square test, W: Mann–Whitney U test, P: p-value, and T-test: Student t-test.