Table 2.
Bio-Radiotherapy Trials using other anti-EGFR mAbs.
Trials | Study years | Study arms | Chemo therapy |
HPV positive a | Median follow UP (years) | Progression free survival | Overall survival | Comment |
CONCERT 1b | 2007–2009 | RT + CIS + PAN RT + CIS |
3 weekly Cisplatin |
– | 2.3 | 61% v/s 68% c,d | – | No benefit of Panitumumab |
CONCERT 2b | 2007–2009 | RT + PAN RT + CIS |
3 weekly Cisplatin |
24% | 2.3 | 41% v/s 62%,d,f |
63% v/s 71%,d,g | Panitumumab cannot replace Cisplatin |
CANADIAN STUDY | 2008–11 | RT + PAN RT + CIS |
3 weekly Cisplatin |
71% | 3.9 | 79% v/s 75%d,g | 85% v/s 88%d,g | No benefit of Panitumumab |
INDIAN STUDY | 2012–18 | RT + CIS + NIM RT + CIS |
Weekly Cisplatin (30 mg/m2) |
10% | 3.1 | 62% v/s 50%d,f | 64% v/s 58%d,g | Only PFS benefit Cisplatin dose is very low |
DAHANCA 19 | 2007–2012 | RT + CIS + NIMZOLE + ZAL RT + CIS + NIMZOLE |
Weekly Cisplatin (40 mg/m2) |
75% | 3.0 | HR − 1 e | HR − 0.9 e | No benefit of Zalutumumab |
CET – Cetuximab; CIS – Cisplatin; PAN – Panitumumab; NIM – Nimotuzumab; NIMZOLE – Nimorozole; ZAL – Zalutumumab; HR – Hazard Ratio.
a = among oropharyngeal primary; b = Phase2 study; c = Loco-regional Control; d = 2Y; e = 3Y, f = p value significant; g = p value not significant.