#1 |
"Sleep Bruxism/therapy"[MeSH] |
#2 |
((sleep bruxism) OR (nocturnal bruxism) OR ((clenching OR grinding) AND (teeth OR tooth)) OR ((masseter muscle) AND sleep)) AND (therapy OR therapeutic OR treatment) |
#3 |
"Biofeedback, Psychology"[MeSH] |
#4 |
biofeedback OR (false physiological feedback) OR (bogus physiological feedback) OR neuro feedback OR (sensory feedback) OR (proprioceptive feedback) OR (visual feedback) OR (sensorimotor feedback) OR (audio feedback) OR (alpha feedback) OR (electromyography feedback) OR (EEG feedback) OR (brainwave feedback) |
#5 |
(#1 OR #2) AND (#3 OR #4) |
#6 |
#5 AND (clinical trial) |
#7 |
#5 AND (randomized controlled trial) |
#8 |
#5 AND (case-control study) |
#9 |
#5 AND (cohort study) |
#10 |
#5 AND (cross-sectional study) |
#11 |
#5 AND (multicenter study) |
#12 |
#5 AND (observational study) |
#13 |
#5 AND (feasibility study) |
#14 |
#5 AND (pilot study) |
#15 |
#5 AND (longitudinal study) |
#16 |
#5 AND (follow-up study) |
#17 |
#5 AND (retrospective study) |
#18 |
#5 AND (prospective study) |
#19 |
#5 AND (double-blind method) |
#20 |
#5 AND (number needed to treat) |
#21 |
#5 AND (random allocation) |
#22 |
#5 AND (treatment outcome) |
#23 |
#5 AND review |
#24 |
#6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #22 OR #23 |