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. 2022 Mar 25;8(1):20551169221081418. doi: 10.1177/20551169221081418

Table 2.

Comparative pathology of different feline myopathies reporting sarcoplasmic inclusions

Myopathy Nemaline rods myopathy Glycogen storage IV Tubulin reactive inclusions Oval amphophilic inclusion bodies
Authors’ description Cooper et al, 6 Kube et al 9 Fyfe 7 Shelton et al 15 The present study
Underlying effects Possible surplus of Z-band material Glycogen branching enzyme deficiency Unknown Unknown
Inheritance Possibly autosomal recessive Autosomal recessive Unknown Unknown
Epidemiology DSH (USA, Belgium) Norwegian Forest Cat (USA, Europe) Devon Rex, DSH (USA) DSH (France)
Onset 6–18 months <5 months <8 months 16 months
Age of death <2 years 9–13.5 months >4 years >20 months
Clinical signs
 Abnormal gait Wobbly hypermetric Bunny hopping Loss of balance and collapse Loss of balance and collapse
 Muscular weakness Exercise intolerance
Recumbency after walking (Cooper et al6)
Prolonged decubitus Mild cervical ventroflexion
Prolonged decubitus
Muscular weakness
Prolonged decubitus
 Muscle atrophy Progressive Progressive Mild to moderate
 Difficulties in feeding + (Kube et al9) + + +
 Tremor + +
 Myotatic reflexes Decreased Decreased Normal Decreased to normal
 Comorbidities Weak voice (Cooper et al6) Stillbirth
Persistent hyperthermia
Upper respiratory infection Intermittent aphonia
Histological lesions
 Atrophy + + +
 Necrosis + (Cooper et al6) + +
 Fibrosis + (Cooper et al6) + (myocardium)
 Elevated centronucleation + (Cooper et al6) + +
 Fibre type mostly affected 2A Unspecified 2B Both equal
Inclusion morphology Rod-like: very few to filling the whole fibre
H&E: not obvious
Gomori trichrome: red (Cooper et al6) to blue (Kube et al9)
Numerous clusters of round shapes
H&E: pale blue
PS: red purple
Oval: mostly 1 to a few in a fibre
H&E: eosinophilic
Gomori trichrome: bright red
PAS: positive around the inclusions
NADH/SDH: dark blue rim around the inclusions
Oval: 1 to a few in a fibre
H&E: amphophilic
Gomori trichrome: purple
NADH: unstained halo around inclusions
Immunofluorescences abnormalities Sarcoplasmic accumulation of dystrophin, desmin and spectrin
Diffuse alpha-actinin distribution
Not realised Tubulin reactive inclusion
Normal distribution of desmin, amyloid, ubiquitin and MLF1
Normal distribution of desmin, tubulin, spectrin, laminin, LAMP and LC3
Positive LC3 activated macrophages

DSH = domestic shorthair; H&E = haematoxylin and eosin; PAS = periodic acid–Schiff; NADH = nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase; SDH = succinic deshydrogenase; MLF1 = succinic deshydrogenase; + = present; – = absent