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. 2022 Mar 28;12:5225. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-09230-9

Table 2.

Comparison of clinicopathological characteristics between the ECMO and non-ECMO groups among ARDS’ patients.

Variable ECMO patients n = 740 Non-ECMO patients n = 9,433 P-value
Age, year 57.0 (15.7) 71.8 (15.1)  < 0.001
Sex, male 484 (65.4) 5,805 (61.5) 0.037
Annual Income level
Q1 (lowest) 172 (23.2) 2,698 (28.6)  < 0.001
Q2 148 (20.0) 1,379 (14.6)
Q3 169 (22.8) 1,853 (19.6)
Q4 (Highest) 240 (32.4) 3,370 (35.7)
Unknown 11 (1.5) 133 (1.4)
Treatment result  < 0.001
Discharge, and follow up in same hospital 263 (35.5) 2,469 (26.2)
Transfer to other long-term facility center 18 (2.4) 609 (6.5)
Discharge, and outpatient clinic follow up 127 (17.2) 2,553 (27.1)
Death within hospitalization 332 (44.9) 3,802 (40.3)
Admitting department: IM 506 (68.4) 7,652 (81.1)  < 0.001
Length of hospitalization, day 20.6 (15.1) 15.7 (14.4)  < 0.001
Total cost for hospitalization, USD 36,416.9 (23,387.3) 9,637.2 (11,112.2)  < 0.001
Cost per day, USD 2,369.8 (1,581.1) 701.3 (692.6)  < 0.001
Hospital admission  < 0.001
Transfer from other hospital 36 (4.9) 404 (4.3)
Admission through Emergency Room 524 (70.8) 5,755 (61.0)
Admission through outpatient clinic 180 (24.3) 3,274 (34.7)
Annual case volume  < 0.001
Q1 ≤ 4 14 (1.9) 1,882 (20.0)
Q2: 5–14 196 (26.5) 2,233 (23.7)
Q3: 15–28 230 (31.1) 2,772 (29.4)
Q4 ≥ 29 300 (40.5) 2,546 (27.0)
Main diagnosis of ARDS 424 (57.3) 4,703 (49.9)  < 0.001
Sepsis associated ARDS 186 (25.1) 1,304 (13.8)  < 0.001
Diagnosis of shock during hospitalization 111 (15.0) 790 (8.4)  < 0.001
CCI at hospital admission for ARDS 4.2 (2.8) 4.7 (3.1)  < 0.001
NMB use 645 (87.2) 3,144 (33.3)  < 0.001
CRRT use 291 (39.3) 779 (8.3)  < 0.001
Experience of CPR during hospitalization 159 (21.5) 1,001 (10.6)  < 0.001
Year of admission for ARDS  < 0.001
2014 84 (11.4) 1,623 (17.2)
2015 107 (14.5) 1,501 (15.9)
2016 140 (18.9) 1,729 (18.3)
2017 117 (15.8) 1,589 (16.8)
2018 143 (19.3) 1,570 (16.6)
2019 149 (15.1) 1,421 (15.1)

Presented as mean values (standard deviation) for continuous variables and number (%) for categorical variables.

ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; IM, internal medicine; USD, United States Dollars; NMB, neuromusclar blockade; CRRT, continuous renal replacement therapy, CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation.