Fig. 1 |. Partial m7G TRAC-Seq workflow.
Isolated small RNAs are treated with the bacterial demethylase AlkB to remove the majority of tRNA modifications and then the demethylated small RNAs are treated with NaBH4 and aniline to induce reduction and cleavage of the RNA backbone at m7G-modified sites. Cleavage at the m7G results in two products: a 5′ product with a 3′ irregular end that prevents adaptor ligation and therefore cannot be sequenced, and a 3′ product that has both ends available for adaptor ligation. After that a 5′ adaptor is ligated to the cleaved sites of the 3′ cleavage product for the subsequent cDNA library construction. Libraries are sequenced and bioinformatic analysis is performed to identify m7G-modified sites.