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. 2022 Mar 10;9:774675. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.774675

Table 1.

Demographic characteristics, self-rated health, and diagnosed chronic diseases of interviewees aged 55 and above, N = 17.

N Mean or %
Age 63.59 years
Below 60 4 23.53%
60–69 years 11 64.71%
70 years and above 2 11.76%
Female 8 47.06%
Male 9 52.94%
Educational attainment
Below middle school 3 17.65%
Middle school 6 35.29%
High School 8 47.06%
Retired 10 58.82%
Part-time 2 11.76%
Employed 5 29.41%
Living arrangements
Living with partners 16 94.12%
Living with partners, children, and grandchildren 1 5.88%
Self-rated health
Average 1 5.88%
Good 11 64.71%
Very good to excellent 5 29.41%
Diagnosed chronic diseases a
Yes 15 88.24%
No 2 11.76%

Diagnosed chronic diseases, such as hypertension, cardiac diseases, hyperglycemia, and osteoporosis, are common among older Chinese people (56).