(A) Representative images of lungs resected from mice bearing 4T1 tumors treated with ELP control, CpG monotherapy, ELP-K12/CpG monotherapy, 131I-ELP monotherapy, or a combination of ELP-K12/CpG and 131I-ELP. Treatments of CpG alone or in complex with ELP-K12 were administered intratumorally at a dose of 100μg and one day later treatments of 131I-ELP were administered intratumorally at a dose of 122.1 kBq/mm3 (n=7). Once 40% of the control group reached their endpoint, mice were sacrificed, and lungs were resected and stained to quantify lung metastases. (B) Quantification of metastases. (C) Plot of the number of lung metastases versus tumor volume at day of sacrifice (n=6–7). *p<0.05 (ANOVA, Tukey), R2= 0.2856