Fig. 2. Forest plots of proxy biomarker of gut dysbiosis in severe mental illness and chronic fatigue.
a Levels of circulating zonulin in patients with CFS and MDD vs. controls; b levels of circulating LPS in patients with CFS and MDD vs. controls; c levels of circulating antibodies to endotoxins in patient with BPD, CFS, MDD; SCZ vs. controls; d levels of circulating sCD14 in patients with BPD, CFS, MDD, SCZ vs. controls; e Levels of circulating LBP in patients with CFS and MDD vs. controls; f levels of circulating A-1-AT in patients with BPD, MDD, SCZ vs. controls; g levels of circulating I-FABP in patients with CFS and MDD vs. controls. A-1-AT alpha-1-antitrypsin, BPD bipolar disorder, CFS chronic fatigue syndrome, I-FABP intestinal fatty-acid binding protein, LBP lipopolysaccharide binding protein, LPS lipopolysaccharide, MDD major depressive disorder, sCD14 soluble CD14, SCZ schizophrenia.