Fig. 10.
Sex-specific dysregulation of Wnt pathway and epigenetic chromatin modification genes in mice exposed in utero to e-cig aerosols at PND11. In male offspring, a total of 20 genes were dysregulated at this time point and 2 genes were in common with the female offspring. The 18 male-only dysregulated genes included the up-regulation of 13 genes from Wnt signaling and 2 genes associated with epigenetics (Ncoa3 and Suv39h1), in addition to the down-regulation of 1 gene related to Wnt (Sfrp2) and 2 genes linked to epigenetic modifications. In the female offspring, the 25 female-only dysregulated genes included the up-regulation of 7 genes from Wnt signaling and 2 genes associated with epigenetics (Prmt2 and Kat6b), in addition to the down-regulation of 1 gene related to Wnt (Fgf4) and 15 genes linked to epigenetic modifications