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. 2022 Mar 28;13:1648. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-29185-9

Table 1.

Characteristics and statistics of all animals involved in the experiments.

ID Cage mate ID Characteristics Initial training (Sessions) Trials (across all tasks) Sessions (across all tasks) Sessions with 0 trials
Sex Age [months] Weight [g] Habituation Mouthpiece association Touch-to-drink
a b f 41 3 31081 220 5
b a m 36 4 28222 220 9
c f m 24 415 1 2 3 16181 87 5
d i f 84 375 1 2 2 25941 192 33
e l f 26 423 2 1 3 9822 58 0
f c m 84 386 1 2 2 9901 87 19
g h m 29 476 2 3 2 17296 104 8
h g m 32 354 2 2 3 23157 104 8
i d m 26 390 0.5 0.5 1 10265 186 42
j k m 33 446 3 2 2 32585 135 27
k J f 31 388 2 2 2 33424 130 18
l e f 32 471 2 2 3 1212 8 0
m n m 45 975 22 7
n m f 31 366 2 2 3 168 22 17

“Characteristics” columns report the sex (Sex), age in months (Age [months]), and weight in grams (W [g]) of each animal at the start of experiment. Initial training columns report the number of sessions required for the shaping stages habituation (Habituation), mouthpiece-reward association (Mouthpiece association) and “touch-to-drink” (Touch-to-drink). Columns: Trials, Sessions and Session with 0 trials report the statistics for the corresponding panel in Fig. 1 regarding the total number of trials (“Trials (across all tasks)”) and the total number of sessions collected for each animal (“Sessions (across all tasks)”). The column “Sessions with 0 trials” summarizes the amount of sessions without interactions. The Initial Training.