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. 2022 Mar 10;13:853449. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.853449



Integral effects of biochar and nitrogen on glutamate synthase GS (A) SS and (B) FS in 2019–2020 and (C) SS and (D) FS in 2020–2021 and glutamine synthetaseGOGAT (E) SS and (F) FS in 2019–2020 and (G) SS and (H) FS in 2020–2021. SS: seedling stage, FS: flowering stage. B0: 0 t ha−1biochar; B15: 15 t ha−1biochar; B30: 30 t ha−1biochar; B60: 60 t ha−1biochar; N0: 0 kg ha−1 nitrogen; N75: 75 kg ha−1 nitrogen; N225: 225 kg ha−1 nitrogen, and N450: 450 kg ha−1 nitrogen, error bars represent standard error for each treatment in three replicates. Different letters on each bar represent significant differences according to the LSD test (p < 0.05).