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. 2022 Mar 10;13:853449. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.853449


Integrated effect of biochar and nitrogen application on rapeseed photosynthesis and transpiration rates during 2019–2020 and 2020–2021.

Biochar Nitrogen Photosynthesis (umol CO2 m–2)
Transpiration (mmol H2O m–2 s–1)
Seedling Flowering Seedling Flowering Seedling Flowering Seedling Flowering
B0 N0 7.39 g 15.15 h 8.67 i 16.27 f 2.47 cd 3.08 g 3.33 g 4.06 ef
N75 9.27 ef 16.84 gh 12.69 fg 20.60 e 2.52 cd 3.85 efg 3.51 fg 4.52 cdef
N225 16.34 a 22.04 e 18.23 cd 26.67 bcd 3.60 ab 4.78 de 4.70 bcde 6.23 ab
N450 12.76 d 19.41 f 15.93 de 24.72 d 3.04 bc 4.39 ef 3.82 efg 5.49 abcde
B15 N0 7.59 fg 16.47 gh 11.33 gh 19.08 ef 2.53 cd 3.81 efg 3.73 efg 5.58 abcd
N75 9.62 e 21.86 e 15.04 ef 21.18 e 2.70 cd 4.75 de 4.34 cdef 5.89 abc
N225 16.55 a 25.88 bc 22.07 b 27.27 bcd 3.87 a 5.93 ab 4.95 abcd 6.58 a
N450 14.00 cd 23.78 cde 22.63 b 29.87 abc 3.50 ab 4.85 bcde 5.04 abc 6.68 a
B30 N0 8.24 efg 16.65 gh 10.84 ghi 18.07 ef 2.48 de 3.77 efg 3.76 efg 4.75 bcdef
N75 8.55 efg 17.83 fg 15.01 ef 24.75 d 2.50 cd 4.33 ef 3.98 defg 5.70 abc
N225 16.09 ab 24.75 bcd 25.93 a 28.86 abc 4.04 a 5.60 abcd 5.79 a 5.86 abc
N450 14.39 bcd 28.35 a 26.21 a 31.97 a 3.92 a 6.03 a 5.81 a 6.80 a
B60 N0 7.37 g 16.00 gh 9.52 hi 18.73 ef 2.27 d 3.45 fg 3.37 fg 3.39 f
N75 8.66 efg 15.87 gh 10.73 ghi 20.85 e 2.30 d 3.95 efg 3.54 fg 4.01 ef
N225 15.74 abc 23.60 de 18.79 c 26.36 cd 3.66 ab 4.82 cde 5.08 abc 4.15 def
N450 15.12 abc 26.50 ab 23.90 ab 29.15 ab 3.78 a 5.89 abc 5.34 ab 4.90 bcde
F-values and significance level
Biochar 0.44 ns 19.76*** 28.94*** 7.54** 1.55 ns 4.70** 5.83** 12.38***
Nitrogen 159.74*** 123.75*** 170.82*** 75.08*** 35.23*** 21.00*** 21.79*** 7.08**
Biochar × Nitrogen 1.09 ns 7.81** 5.70** 1.45 ns 0.86 ns 1.36 ns 1.29 ns 0.55 ns

B0, 0 t ha–1 biochar; B15, 15 t ha–1 biochar; B30, 30 t ha–1 biochar; B60, 60 t ha–1 biochar; N0, 0 kg ha–1 nitrogen; N150, 150 kg ha–1 nitrogen; N300, 300 kg ha–1 nitrogen, and N450, 450 kg ha–1 nitrogen. Different letters within the columns show a significant difference between the treatments at p = 0.05 according to the LSD test, and asterisks represent a significant difference at *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.001 level; ns, not-significant.