Table 2. Optimal MRI Protocols for the Diagnosis of Endometriosis.
Patiens’ preparation | - 3–6 hours of fasting |
- Bladder emptying one-hour before tde examination | |
- Use of anti-peristaltic agent (unless contraindicated) | |
- (optional) vaginal/rectal opacification by gel | |
T2WI | Axial, sagittal and oblique axial images (optional) 3D-T2WI |
T1WI | Witd and witdout fat saturation images |
DWI, contrast enhanced T1WI | Not recommended for ovarian ednometrioma/DIE, necessary in case of suspected ovarian malignancy |
The table shows the suggested protocols for the diagnosis of endometriosis and related diseases based on the European Society of Urogenital Radiology guideline [9]. DIE = deeply infiltrating endometriosis, DWI = diffusion weighted image, T1WI = T1-weighted image, T2WI = T2-weighted image, 3D = three-dimenational