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. 2022 Feb 14:1–7. doi: 10.1017/dmp.2022.43

Table 1.

Demographics of interview participants

Frequency Ratio (%)
 Female 47 85.5
 Male 6 10.9
 Prefer not to answer 2 3.6
Age (years)
 25 - 35 18 32.7
 36 - 45 11 20
 45+ 25 45.5
 Prefer not to answer 1 1.8
 Mixed White and Asian 1 1.8
 White British 42 76.3
 Asian/Asian British - Indian 3 5.5
 Other white background 7 12.8
 Other ethnic group 1 1.8
 Prefer not to answer 1 1.8
Years Registered as a Nurse
 Less than 10 years 20 36.4
 More than 10 years 32 58.1
 Prefer not to answer 3 5.5
NHS Banding (level of seniority)
 Band 5 18 32.7
 Band 6 16 29.2
 Band 7 18 32.7
 Band 8a 2 3.6
 Prefer not to answer 1 1.8
Job Title
 Specialist nurse 24 43.6
 Staff Nurse 19 34.5
 Junior sister 4 7.3
 Matron 1 1.8
 Prefer not to say 7 12.8