Table 8. Severity grading of abnormal vital signs.
Parameter | Grade 1
(mild) |
Grade 2
(moderate) |
Grade 3
(severe) |
Fever | 37.6°C - 38.0°C | 38.1°C – 39.0°C | >39.0°C |
Tachycardia (bpm) * | 101 – 115 | 116 – 130 | >130 |
Bradycardia (bpm) ** | 50 – 54 | 40 – 49 | <40 |
Systolic hypertension (mmHg) | 141 – 159 | 160 – 179 | ≥180 |
Diastolic hypertension (mmHg) | 91 – 99 | 100 – 109 | ≥110 |
Systolic hypotension (mmHg) *** | 85 – 89 | 80 – 84 | <80 |
*Taken after ≥10 minutes at rest
**When resting heart rate is between 60 – 100 beats per minute. Use clinical judgement when characterising bradycardia among some healthy subject populations, for example, conditioned athletes.
***Use clinical judgement, particularly in subjects with low body weight. Consider checking lying and standing blood pressure to test for a postural drop of >20 mmHg if safe to do so. Do not record as an adverse event if hypotension is asymptomatic (e.g., absence of light-headed feeling)