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. 2022 Mar 29;32(7):4414–4426. doi: 10.1007/s00330-022-08576-y

Table 1.

characteristics of 16 included studies

First author Year Country Study design Cutoff value Study duration Patient recruitment Number of centers Number of readers Setting Symptoms Sample size Age*
Reference standard
Turcato [38] 2021 Italy R 2, 3, 4, 5 2020/3/25–2020/4/25 C 1 NA ED S 120 68 (60–78) 73/47

51 RT-PCR +

69 RT-PCR -

Sun [39] 2021 French R 2, 3, 4, 5 2020/3/18–2020/5/10 NA 1 1 NA B 313 62 (50–70) 156/157

22 RT-PCR +

291 RT-PCR -

Schalekamp [40] 2021 Netherlands R 2, 3, 4, 5 2020/3/20–2020/4/3 C 6 NA ED S 1070 66 (54–75) 626/444

536 RT-PCR +

534 RT-PCR -

O' Neill [41] 2020 Canada, Iran, South Korea, China R 2, 3, 4, 5 2020/2/2–2020/5/16 C 4 3 NA S 279 60.1 ± 17.3 143/136

194 RT-PCR +

85 RT-PCR -

Prokop [24] 2020 Netherlands NA 2, 3, 4, 5 2020/3/14–2020/3/25 C 7 8 ED S 105 62 ± 16 61/44

53 RT-PCR +

52 RT-PCR -

Özel [42] 2021 Turkey R 2, 3, 4, 5 2020/3/20–2020/4/20 NA 1 2 ED S 280 45.9 ± 15.9 150/130

111 RT-PCR +

169 RT-PCR -

Ossareh [43] 2020 Iran NA 2 2020/2/20–2020/4/20 NA 1 NA NA B 178 58.9 ± 16.5 (22–99) 122/56

27 RT-PCR +

151 RT-PCR -

Liu [12] 2021 China R 4 2020/2/16–2020/3/20 C 2 2 NA S 40 NA 23/17

25 RT-PCR +

25 RT-PCR -

Lieveld [44] 2020 Netherlands P 2, 3, 4, 5 2020/3/19–2020/5/28 C 2 NA ED S 741 62.1 ± 17.2 417/324

235 RT-PCR +

506 RT-PCR -

Lessmann [45] 2021 Netherlands R 2, 3, 4, 5 2020/3–2020/4 C 2 8 ED S 262 64 ± 16 154/108

179 RT-PCR +

83 RT-PCR -

Hermans [46] 2020 Netherlands P 2, 3, 4, 5 2020/3/27–2020/4/20 C 1 NA ED B 319 59 (50–68) 157/162

133 RT-PCR +

186 RT-PCR -

Gross [47] 2021 Germany R 2, 3, 4, 5 2020/3/22–2020/4/7 C NA NA ED S 96 64 50/46

20 RT-PCR +

76 RT-PCR -

Fujioka [48] 2020 Japan R 2, 3, 4, 5 2020/1–2020/6 NA 1 4 NA S 154 61.3 ± 18.8 (21–93) 101/53

76 RT-PCR +

78 RT-PCR -

De Smet [25] 2021 Belgium P 2, 3, 4, 5 202/3/19–2020/4/20 C 1 2 NA B 1997 70 (52–81) 1031/966

418 RT-PCR +

1579 RT-PCR-

Bellini [49] 2020 Italy R 2, 3, 4, 5 2020/3/9–2020/5/3 C 1 12 NA S 572 63 ± 20 329/243

142 RT-PCR+

430 RT-PCR-

Shohei [50] 2020 Japan R 2, 3, 4, 5 2020/1/30–2020/6/30 NA 1 8 ED S 100 NA 68/32

50 RT-PCR+

50 RT-PCR-

Wakfie [51] 2021 Spain NA 4, 5 2020/2/19–2020/5/29 NA NA NA NA B 41 NA 22/19

13 RT-PCR+

28 RT-PCR-

Vicini [52] 2021 Italy R 2, 3, 4, 5 2020/3/18–2020/7/15 C 1 6 NA S 714 64 ± 19 (8–96) 419/295

263 RT-PCR+

451 RT-PCR-

Van [53] 2021 Belgium R 2, 3, 4, 5 2020/3/7–2020/4/13 NA 1 NA NA S 200 67.30 ± 17.11 96/104

68 RT-PCR+

132 RT-PCR-

Nair [54] 2021 Qatar R 2, 3, 4, 5 2020/4/1–2020/7/30 C 1 6 NA S 164 49 ± 15 139/25

101 RT-PCR+

63 RT-PCR-

Kurokawa [55] 2021 Japan R 2, 3, 4, 5 2020/4/1–2020/5/21 NA 1 6 NA S 154 NA 108/46

26 RT-PCR+

128 RT-PCR-

Tunç [56] 2021 Turkey R 2, 3, 4, 5 2020/3–2020/5 NA 1 4 NA S 209 NA 115/94

149 RT-PCR+

60 RT-PCR-

Dilek [57] 2021 Turkey R 4 2020/3/11–2020/5/11 NA 1 4 ED S 178 47 ± 16 (14–86) 102/76

143 RT-PCR+

35 RT-PCR-

De Jaegere [56, 58] 2020 Netherlands R 2, 3, 4, 5 2020/3/12–2020/3/23 C 1 3 NA S 96 70 (29–94) 61/35

45 RT-PCR+

51 RT-PCR-

Abbreviations: R, retrospective; P, prospective; C, consecutive; ED, emergency department; S, symptomatic; B, both symptomatic and asymptomatic; NA, not available

*Age (year): median age (range) or average age