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. 2022 Mar 10;16:809733. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2022.809733


Adjusted moderation analyses with loneliness as a predictor and psychological and physical health and cortisol indexes as dependent variables in males and females.

Dependent variable: Psychological health
ΔR2 interaction = 0.130 F = 15.361, df (1,2) = 1, 70 p < 0.001 LLCI = 0.183 ULCI = 0.563

Sex Effect SE t p LLCI ULCI

Males –0.581 0.136 –4.284 < 0.001** –0.851 –0.310
Females 0.162 0.143 1.129 0.263 –0.124 0.447

Dependent variable: Physical health

ΔR2 interaction = 0.002 F = 0.153, df (1,2) = 1, 69 p = 0.697 LLCI = −0.173 ULCI = 0.258

Sex Effect SE t p LLCI ULCI

Males –0.177 0.154 –1.155 0.252 –0.484 0.129
Females –0.093 0.162 –0.576 0.567 –0.417 0.230

Dependent variable: CAR(1 outlier)

ΔR2 interaction = 0.011 F = 1.038, df (1,2) = 1, 54 p = 0.313 LLCI = −0.638 ULCI = 0.208

Sex Effect SE t p LLCI ULCI

Males 0.008 0.153 0.051 0.960 –0.299 0.315
Females –0.207 0.152 –1.360 0.180 –0.513 0.098

Dependent variable: DCS

ΔR2 interaction = 0.001 F = 0.039, df (1,2) = 1, 67 p = 0.844 LLCI = −0.255 ULCI = 0.209

Sex Effect SE t p LLCI ULCI

Males –0.093 0.165 –0.559 0.578 –0.423 0.238
Females –0.138 0.176 –0.783 0.436 –0.489 0.214

Dependent variable: Bedtime

ΔR2 interaction = 0.016 F = 1.219, df (1,2) = 1, 68 p = 0.274 LLCI = −0.362 ULCI = 0.104

Sex Effect SE t p LLCI ULCI

Males 0.185 0.166 1.116 0.269 –0.146 0.517
Females –0.071 0.177 –0.399 0.691 –0.424 0.283

Note. CAR, cortisol awakening response; DCS, diurnal cortisol slope. **p < 0.01. Values for quantitative moderators are the mean and plus/minus one SD from mean.