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. 2022 Mar 26;59:00469580221086922. doi: 10.1177/00469580221086922

Table 1.

Distribution of the oldest-old according to socioeconomic, demographic and health status characteristics.

n % n %
 Female 57 49.1 104 80.6
 Male 59 50.9 25 19.4
 White 59 50.9 75 58.1
 Not white 54 46.5 54 41.9
 Did not answer 3 2.6 - -
Age group
 80–89 years 96 82.8 104 80.6
 90 and over 20 17.2 25 19.4
 Yes 47 40.5 100 77.5
 No 69 59.5 26 20.2
 Did not answer - - 3 2.3
Importance of religion to the elderly
 Important 106 91.4 109 84.5
 Not important 9 7.8 16 12.4
 Did not answer 1 0.8 4 3.1
Self-assessment of income
 Sufficient 75 64.7 81 62.8
 Insufficient 41 35.3 46 35.7
 Did not answer - - 2 1.5
Cognitive states
 Adequate 50 43.1 94 72.9
 Suggestive of impairment 64 55.2 30 23.3
 Did not answer 2 1.7 5 3.8
Subjective well-being
 Best 86 74.1 88 68.2
 Worst 27 23.3 37 28.7
 Did not answer 3 2.6 4 3.1
Sleep self-assessment
 Good 56 48.2 74 57.5
 Average 30 25.9 34 26.4
 Bad 19 16.4 19 14.6
 Did not answer 11 9.5 2 1.5
Self-assessment of hearing
 Good 45 38.8 50 38.8
 Average 32 27.6 51 39.5
 Bad 28 24.1 24 18.6
 Did not answer 11 9.5 4 3.1
Self-assessment of vision
 Good 38 32.7 47 36.4
 Average 37 31.9 54 41.9
 Bad 30 25.9 27 20.9
 Did not answer 11 9.5 1 0.8
Fall occurrence in the last 12 months
 Yes 31 26.8 52 40.3
 No 84 72.4 77 59.7
 Did not answer 1 0.8 - -
Self-assessment of current health compared to that of a year ago
 Better 19 16.4 16 12.4
 Average 60 51.7 64 49.6
 Worse 36 31.1 49 38.0
 Did not answer 1 0.8 - -
Number of self-reported diseases
 None 27 23.2 11 8.5
 One 46 39.6 17 13.2
 Two or more 43 37.2 42 32.6
 Did not answer - - 59 45.7
Number of medication use
 None 14 12.1 6 4.7
 One to four 60 51.7 44 34.1
 Five or more 34 29.3 79 61.2
 Did not answer 8 6.9 - -
Depressive symptoms
 Yes 34 29.3 90 69.8
 No 39 33.5 9 7.0
 Did not answer 43 37.2 30 23.2
TOTAL 116 100 129 100

Note. Data was collected in Brejo dos Santos, in the state of Paraíba, Brazil (SABE-PB) and in São Paulo, capital (SABE-SP) in 2017 and 2016, respectively. SABE is abbreviation for the research project name in Portuguese (Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento or Health, Well-being, and Aging).