Fig. 3.
Antibacterial properties evaluation in vitro. (A) Evaluation of antibacterial effect of S. aureus on different substrates for 24 h with or without NIR irradiation and (B) representative image of colony activity of S. aureus detected by plate smearing method; (C) Normalized analysis of CV stained biofilm; (D) FE-SEM images of biofilms co-incubated on different groups for 48h with or without NIR irradiation, scale bar = 2 μm; (E) 3D confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) images of biofilms co-incubated on surfaces of different materials for 48h with or without NIR irradiation. Image sizes: 315.76 μm × 315.76 μm, thickness: 30 μm; (F) The membrane permeability of S. aureus was determined by ONPG hydrolysis method; (G) The cytoplasmic content of S. aureus released under different treatments; (H) The total ATP level of S. aureus adhesion on the surface of various substrates under different treatments. All experiments data comes from 3 independent experiments (n = 3), *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.