APR-246 is more effective in enhancing the effects of NAX014 and NAX035 in MIA-PaCa-2 cell when WT-TP53 is present. Panel (A) MIA-PaCa-2 + pLXSN cells treated with different concentrations of NAX014 (red squares) or with different concentrations of NAX014 and a low dose of APR-246 (blue triangles). Panel (B) MIA-PaCa-2 + WT-TP53 cells treated with different concentrations of NAX014 (red squares) or with different concentrations of NAX014 and a low dose of APR-246 (blue triangles). Panel (C) MIA-PaCa-2 + pLXSN cells treated with different concentrations of NAX035 (red squares) or with different concentrations of NAX035 and a low dose of APR-246 (blue triangles). Panel (D) MIA-PaCa-2 + WT-TP53 cells treated with different concentrations of NAX035 (red squares) or with different concentrations of NAX035 and a low dose of APR-246 (blue triangles). The experiments were repeated 4 times, and similar results were observed. *** = p < 0.0001, ** = p < 0.005, * = p < 0.05, NS, not statistically significant.