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. 2022 Feb 10;10(2):418. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10020418
1 PROACT: Prolyse in Acute Cerebral Thromboembolism
2 MERCI: Mechanical Embolus Removal in Cerebral Ischemia
3 MR RESCUE: Mechanical Retrieval and Recanalization of Stroke Clots Using Embolectomy
4 IMS-III: Interventional Management of Stroke-III
5 mRS: Modified Rankin Scale
6 SYNTHESIS: Systemic intravenous (IV) thrombolysis with Alteplase in acute ischemic stroke
7 MR CLEAN: Multicenter Randomized Clinical trial of Endovascular treatment for Acute ischemic stroke in the Netherlands
8 ESCAPE: Endovascular Treatment for Small Core and Anterior Circulation Proximal Occlusion with Emphasis on Minimizing CT to Recanalization Times
9 SWIFT PRIME: Solitaire with the Intention for Thrombectomy as Primary Endovascular Treatment
10 REVASCAT: Randomized Trial of Revascularization with Solitaire FR Device versus Best Medical Therapy in the Treatment of Acute Stroke Due to Anterior Circulation Large Vessel Occlusion Presenting within Eight Hours of Symptom Onset
11 EXTEND IA: Extending the Time for Thrombolysis in Emergency Neurological Deficits—Intra-Arterial
12 HERMES: Highly Effective Reperfusion evaluated in Multiple Endovascular Stroke Trials
13 DAWN: DWI or CTP Assessment with Clinical Mismatch in the Triage of Wake-Up and Late Presenting Strokes Undergoing Neurointervention with Trevo
14 DEFUSE: Endovascular Therapy Following Imaging Evaluation for Ischemic Stroke