Newborn and young Mcpip1EKO mice have elevated levels of inflammatory factors in their skin and develop mild systemic inflammation. QRT-PCR analysis of selected transcript levels in the control and Mcpip1EKO newborn (P0, n = 5) and young (3 mo, n = 3) mice. a
Il36a/Il1f6, Il36g/Il1f9, S100a8, S100a9 transcript levels. b
Tnfa, Il6, Il18, and Il33 transcript levels. c Flow cytometric analysis of 3-monthold skin eosinophils (n = 8). d Quantification of TEWL in 3-month-old mice (n = 3). e Spleenandlymph node images of 3-month-old controland Mcpip1EKO mice. f Spleen weights of 3-month-old control and Mcpip1EKO mice (n = 10). g Flow cytometric analysis of 3-month-old mouse splenic CD45+ cells (n = 8). h Flow cytometric analysis of 3-month-old mouse bone marrow CD45+ cells (n = 3–11). Data represent the mean ± SEM. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 by unpaired t test