Plots show segmental ventilation defect percentage (VDP) in plugged
versus nonplugged segments in each of the eight individual participants
(participants A–H) with identified mucus plugs. Horizontal lines
represent the median, 25th percentile, and 75th percentile values. Each
dot represents one individual bronchopulmonary segment. The number of
plugs identified in each participant ranged from 1 to 11, as indicated
in each subplot title, with a median value of 5.5 plugged segments.
Median segmental VDP in plugged segments was higher than that in the
unplugged segments in all but one participant (participant H, with only
one mucus plug identified). In specific participants, there is
considerable overlap in values for plugged versus unplugged segments, as
in participant B, for whom nearly all segments have substantial
segmental VDP, and in participant C, for whom all segments have
relatively low segmental VDP.