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. 2022 Mar 29;2022(3):CD010893. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD010893.pub4
Amyloidosis A variety of conditions where normally soluble proteins become insoluble and are deposited in various organs or tissues disrupting normal function.
Apoptosis A process of programmed cell death.
Colocalize To occur together in the same cell.
Cytotoxicity Process that results in cell damage or cell death.
Enterohepatic circulation The circulation of drugs or other substances from the liver to the bile, followed by entry into the small intestine, absorption by the enterocyte and transport back to the liver.
Exon A sequence of DNA that codes information for protein synthesis that is transcribed to messenger ribonucleic acid (RNA).
Homotypic Of the same type or form.
Ileum The final section of the small intestine.
Jejunum The middle section of the small intestine.
Macrophage A type of white blood cell that removes dying or dead cells and cellular debris.
Microtubule Fibrous, hollow rods that function primarily to help support and shape the cell.
Oligomerize To form a molecular complex that consists of a few monomer units.
Pericarditis Inflammation of the thin sac‐like membrane that surrounds the heart.
Peritonitis Inflammation of the peritoneum, the thin tissue that lines the inner wall of the abdomen and covers most of the abdominal organs.
Phagocytic activity When a cell, such as a white blood cell, engulfs and absorbs waste material, harmful micro‐organisms, or other foreign bodies in the bloodstream and tissues.
Pleuritis Inflammation of the membrane that covers the lungs and lines the chest cavity.
Proteolytic Breakdown of proteins into smaller polypeptides or amino acids.
Serositis Inflammation of the tissues lining the lungs, heart, inner lining of the abdomen and organs within.
Synovitis Inflammation of the membrane surrounding a joint.
Tubulin Globular proteins that make up microtubules.