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. 2022 Mar 29;2022(3):CD006430. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006430.pub3

1. Outcome measures used in the included studies.

Author and year BADL IADL Other ADL/IADL
occupational performance and
Community integration/participation measures Global cognitive function Cognitive abilities
Orientation Attention Memory Executive functions
Akerlund 2013
AMPS (Fisher 2003) BNIS (Prigatano 1995) WAIS‐III Digit Span and Span Board Forwards, Backwards; WAIS‐III NI; Working
Memory subscale score (Wechsler 1997);
RBMT‐II (Wilson 1989); Working Memory questionnaire (Akerlund 2013)
DEX (Chan 2001)
Barker‐Collo 2009 mRS (Bamford 1989) CFQ (Broadbent 1982) IVA‐CPT (Sandford 2000); TMT‐A (Strauss 2006)
TMT‐B (Strauss 2006); PASAT 2.4 and 2.0 (Gronwall 1977)
Bo 2019 Stroop colour‐word test (Jensen 1966) TMT‐B (Bowie 2006); Digit Span Forward (Wechsler 2014) Mental Rotation Tests (Vandenberg 1978)
Carter 1983 Barthel Index (Mahoney 1965)
Time Judgement Tests (Carter 1980)
Chen 2015 MoCA (Nasreddine 2005) BADS (Wilson 1999)
Cho 2015 VCPT and ACCPT (Bae 2005) DST; VST
(Bae 2005)
Cho 2016 FIM (Stineman 1996)
De Luca 2018 BADL; Barthel Index
(both apparently measured but results not reported)
IADL (apparently measured but results not reported) MMSE (Folstein 1975) Attentive Matrices (Spinnler 1987) RAVLT (Bean 2018); Digit Span Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices (Basso 1987)
Hasanzadeh Pashang 2020 IVA + Plus (Sandford 1995)
Jiang 2016 FIM (Stineman 1996) MMSE (Folstein 1975); 
MoCA (Nasreddine 2005)
Lin 2014 Wechsler Memory Scale (Wechsler 1945) – Orientation subscale TMT‐A TMT‐B; Wechsler Memory Scale (Wechsler 1945) – Mental control subscale, Logical memory subscale, Digits Forward and Backward, 
Memory quotient
Lundqvist 2010 PASAT 2.4 (Gronwall 1977); Working Memory Improvement Index (Lundqvist 2010); Listening span; Picture span; Block span Forward and Backward from WAIS R‐NI (Wechsler 1997) CWIT Cognitive Flexibility (Condition 4) (Delis 2001)
Maggio 2020 ADL IADL MoCA FAB (Dubois 2000); Weigl's Test
Park 2015a LOTCA (Itzkovich 2000)
Prokopenko 2013 IADL scale (Prokopenko 2013) MMSE (Folstein 1975); MoCA (Nasreddine 2005) Schulte's Tables (Prokopenko 2013) FAB (Dubois 2000)
Prokopenko 2018 IADL MMSE (Folstein 1975); MoCA (Nasreddine 2005) Shulte's Test FAB (Dubois 2000)
Prokopenko 2019 IADL MMSE (Folstein 1975); 
MoCA (Nasreddine 2005)
Schulte's Tables FAB (Dubois 2000)
Skidmore 2015a FIM (Stineman 1996) Color Word Interference Inhibition (Condition 3) (Delis 2001) Color Word Interference Cognitive Flexibility (Condition 4) (Delis 2001)
Skidmore 2017 FIM (Stineman 1996)
van de Ven 2017 Lawton & Brody Instrumental Activities of Daily Living scale (Lawton 1988) USER‐P (Restriction subscale) (van der Zee 2010van der Zee 2013) CFQ (Broadbent 1982) TMT‐A; DSC (Wechsler 2000) TMT‐B online version; D‐Kefs TMT number‐letter switching condition
Letter Number Sequencing (Wechsler 2000); 
PASAT (Gronwall 1977); 
RAVL) (Saan 1986); Blokkenreeksen (NeuroTask BV); online modified version of Corsi's test
TOL (Culbertson 2005); Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices (Raven 1998); Shipley Institute of Living Scale (Zachary 1991); 
DEX (Burgess 1996)
Walker 2012 NSDA (Walker 1990Fletcher‐Smith 2010)
Yeh 2019 CIQ (Willer 1994) MoCA (Nasreddine 2005) Spatial Span Test; Verbal Paired Associates subtest (Wechsler 1997)
Yoo 2015 FIM (Stineman 1996) TMT (not specified if TMT‐A or TMT‐B so unable to classify under a cognitive ability) (Yoo 2015) ACCPT; VCPT (Yoo 2015) DST; Verbal Learning Test; Visual Span test; Visual Learning Test (Yoo 2015)
Zuchella 2014 FIM (Stineman 1996) MMSE (Folstein 1975)
TMT‐A (Giovagnoli 1996); 
Attentive Matrices (Spinnler 1987)
Digit Span Forward (Orsini 1987); Corsi's Test (Orsini 1987); RAVLT (Carlesimo 1996); 
Logical Memory (Carlesimo 2002); TMT‐B (Giovagnoli 1996)
Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices 47 (Basso 1987); 
FAB (Appollonio 2005)

ACCPT: Auditory Controlled Continuous Performance Test; ADL: activities of daily living; AMPS: Assessment of Motor and Process Skills; BADL: basic activities of daily living; BADS: Behavioural Assessment of Dysexecutive Syndrome; BNIS: Barrow Neurological Institute Screen for Higher Cerebral Functions; CFQ: Cognitive Failures Questionnaire; CIQ: Community Integration Questionnaire; CWIT: Color Word Interference Test; DEX: Dysexecutive Questionnaire; DSC: Digit Symbol Coding; DST: Digit Span test; FAB: Frontal Assessment Battery; FIM: Functional Independence Measure; IADL: instrumental activities of daily living; IVA + Plus: Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test; IVA‐CPT: Integrated Auditory Visual Continuous Performance Test; LOTCA: Lowenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment; MMSE: Mini‐mental State Examination; MoCA: Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale; mRS: modified Rankin scale; NSDA: Nottingham Stroke Dressing Assessment; PASAT: Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test; RAVLT: Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test; RBMT‐II: Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – version 2; TMT‐A: Trail Making Test A; TMT‐B: Trail Making Test B; TOL: Tower of London; USER‐P: Utrecht Scale for Evaluation of Rehabilitation‐Participation; VCPT: Visual Continuous Performance Test; VST: Visual Span Test; WAIS‐III:  Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale III.