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[Preprint]. 2022 Mar 24:2022.03.23.485509. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2022.03.23.485509

Figure 3. Replication and expansion of APS1 autoantigens across multiple cohorts using scaled PhIP-Seq.

Figure 3.

A) Increasing the number of healthy controls results in fewer apparent hits and is therefore critical. Shared hits are defined as gene-level signal (>10-fold change over mock-IP) which is shared among 4%< of APS1 samples (n=128), present in fewer than 2% of healthy controls, and with at least 1 APS1 sample with a high signal (FC of 50<). Random downsampling was performed 10 times for each healthy control bin. B) 39 candidate hits present in 4%< of the APS1 cohort. C) Rare, novel anti-PDYN autoantibodies validate at whole-protein level, with PhIP-Seq and whole-protein RLBA data showing good concordance.