Extended Data Fig. 8. Generation of SMAC with homogeneous K48 linkages.
(a) Synthesis and purification scheme to generate SMAC-K48Ubn from multiple-mono Ub primed SMAC-Ub1-3. (b) His-TEV-Ub, UBE2R1, and BIRC2 were reacted with SMAC-Ub1-3 and varying lengths of SMAC-K48Ubn are isolated using (c) final Superdex 75 gel filtration step. (d) Non-reduced SDS-PAGE showing ubiquitination of SMAC-K48Ub3-6 (Fraction 3 from b,c) catalyzed by indicated UBE2K variants. Asterisks (*) indicate fluorescent-labeled Ub. (e) Plots of Ub* transferred to SMAC-K48Ub3-6 from d, data normalized to UBE2KWT and presented as mean value ± SD from three independent experiments (n = 3).