PLK1 overexpression reverses the effects caused by PLK1 shRNAs, and the PLK1 kinase inhibitor volasertib inhibits proliferation and induces senescence in NPCs. (A) The efficiency of PLK1 knockdown (shPLK1 #2) and overexpression (pQCXIH-PLK1) in NPCs. (B) The mRNA expression of collagen, aggrecan, ADAMTS5, MMP3, and MMP13 in NPC transfected with shPLK1 #2 and pQCXIH-PLK1. (C) CCK8 assay was used to detect cell proliferation at the 0, 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th day after NPCs were transfected with PLK1 shRNA and overexpression virus. (D) The expression of PLK1 and PLK1 pT210 after inhibiting the PLK1 kinase activity. (E,F) The expression of collagen, aggrecan, ADAMTS5, and MMP3 after inhibiting the PLK1 kinase activity detected by qPCR and western blot. (H) CCK8 assay was used to detect cell proliferation at the 0, 2nd, 4th, and 6th day after treatment with 100 and 200 nM volasertib. (H) Senescence of NPCs was measured by SA-β-Gal assay after treatment with volasertib. All experiments were performed in duplicates, and data are reported as the mean ± SD. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001. SD, standard deviation.