The weight and volume change of the patch after absorbing water and the adhesion and antibacterial function of the adhesive. (A) The weight expansion ratio of patch matrix with size of 3 × 5 mm and thickness of 1 mm, 2 mm and 4 mm soaked in PBS. (B) The volume expansion ratio of patch matrix with size of 3 × 5 mm and thickness of 1 mm, 2 mm and 4 mm soaked in PBS. (C) Adhesion-displacement curves obtained by stretching two patches along the horizontal and vertical directions of the bonding surface. The insert diagrams and photos of (C) show the horizontal (left, red) and vertical (right, blue) directions mean the directions parallel and perpendicular to the bonding surface. (D) The maximum adhesion of the adhesive in two directions. (E) The maximum displacement of the adhesive in two directions. (F) Bacteriostatic effect of adhesive and bacteria after co-culture for 48 h. Control indicates that no adhesive is added to the bacterial solution. Test indicates that an adhesive has been added to the bacterial fluid. The inserted picture shows the dry adhesive layer. (G) Original image of colony count. (The number below each photo indicates dilution). Data are presented as mean ± SD. *P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01, significant difference among different group.).