Fig. 6.
Histological analysis and biomechanical test for osteoporotic bone regeneration induced by different nwHA bioceramics. (A) Undecalcified H&E staining showing position of the newly formed bone within the implanted nwHA bioceramics (NB: new bone, RM: remaining material). (B) SEM observation of the border between the new bone and the remaining material. (C) Quantification of bone area, Ca/P ratio in the new bone and remaining material detected by EDS. (d, e) Typical load-displacement curves generated from nanoindentation test on ingrown new bone and remaining material. (F) Averaged elastic modulus (bE) and hardness (bH) of the newly formed bone, and averaged elastic modulus (hE) and hardness (hH) of the undegraded material. All data are reported as mean ± standard error. ANOVA with Tukey's post hoc test *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.