The protein 3D-conformation of the COL1α1 (a) and COL1α2 (b) proteins modelled with I-TASSER in the cartoon view showing helices (red), sheets (yellow), loops (green), and lysine residues in the structure (magenta). The same models shown in the solvent surface accessibility view for COL1α1for one side (c) and 180° turn around Y-axis site (e), and COL1α2 for one side (d) and 180° turn around Y-axis site (f), showing the protein accessibility surface (green), unmodified lysines on the surface (magenta), modified lysine (cyan) and the RGD sequences at the surface (orange). Close-ups of the protein COL1α2 showing (g) the grouped RGD sequences (orange, indicated with arrow) and proximity of the modified lysines (cyan) and (h) the buried unmodified lysines (magenta, indicated with arrow). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)