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. 2022 Jan 19;36(2):634–646. doi: 10.1111/jvim.16363


Descriptive statistics for the baseline data collected from 51 cats enrolled in this retrospective cohort study, grouped according to the quantification of calcium deposition in the kidneys using von Kossa stain and an imaging processing program (ImageJ)

Variables (reference interval) Grade 0 (n = 11) Grade 1 (n = 14) Grade 2 (n = 26) P‐value
Median (25th, 75th percentile) n Median (25th, 75th percentile) n Median (25th, 75th percentile) n
Age (years) 14.0 (9.5, 16.0) 11 14.2 (13.0, 15.8) 14 16.1 (13.8, 17.0) 26 .18
Phosphate‐restricted diet (Eating ≥50%), n (%) 3 (27) 11 6 (43) 14 14 (54) 26 .08
Sex (female neutered), n (%) 2 (18) 11 9 (64) 14 11 (42) 26 .07
Weight (kg) 4.3 (3.5, 5.5) 10 3.7 (3.2, 4.1) 13 3.9 (3.3, 4.4) 24 .18
Albumin (2.5‐4.5 g/dL) 2.8 (2.7, 3.2) 11 3.1 (3.0, 3.4) 14 3.1 (3.0, 3.3) 26 .15
ALP (≤ 60 U/L) 50 (35, 89) 11 38 (25, 58) 14 28 (20, 52) 26 .13
ALT (5‐60 U/L) 73 (47, 122) 11 53 (44, 75) 14 61 (47, 73) 26 .54
CaPP (<70 mg2/dL2) 49.0 (41.9, 82.8) 11 41.2 (30.7, 60.4) 14 42.5 (38.5, 55.3) 26 .28
Chloride (100‐124 mEq/L) 116 (113, 119) 11 116 (113, 119) 14 118 (115121) 26 .22
Creatinine (0.23‐2 mg/dL) 2.79 (2.46, 3.31) 11 2.58 (2.14, 2.90) 14 2.48 (2.30, 3.04) 26 .25
Hypertension (controlled), n (%) 4 (67) 6 6 (60) 10 11 (48) 23 .74
Ionized calcium (4.76‐5.48 mg/dL) 4.94 (4.65, 5.17) 4 5.18 (5.00, 5.27) 6 5.44 (5.30, 5.44) 3 .22
PCV (30‐45%) 30 (26, 35) 11 36 (33, 40) 12 34 (30, 35) 23 .05
Phosphate (2.79‐6.81 mg/dL) 5.33 (4.27, 8.22) 11 3.98 (3.02, 6.08) 14 4.46 (3.78, 5.31) 26 .12
Potassium (3.5‐5.5 mEq/L) 4.00 (3.74, 4.27) 11 4.21 (3.76, 4.48) 14 4.20 (3.89, 4.51) 26 .64
SBP (<160 mmHg) 179 (154, 195) 6 161 (133, 189) 10 146 (132, 171) 23 .16
Sodium (145‐157 mEq/L) 150 (148, 152) 11 149 (150, 152) 14 152 (151, 156) 26 .05
Total calcium (8.2‐11.8 mg/dL) 9.48 (9.32, 9.94) 11 10.14 (9.95, 10.68) 14 10.28 (9.84, 10.67) 26 .04
Total protein (6.0‐8.0 g/dL) 7.7 (7.5, 7.8) 11 7.7 (7.2, 8.1) 14 7.8 (7.4, 8.3) 26 .70
Urea (7.0‐27.7 mg/dL) 46.8 (41.0, 69.8) 11 47.1 (38.3, 54.6) 14 49.4 (42.8, 59.7) 26 .71
USG (≥1.035) 1.022 (1.015, 1.026) 9 1.018 (1.015, 1.023) 13 1.016 (1.014, 1.023) 22 .65

Note: Significant difference between groups (P < .05) is highlighted in bold.

Abbreviations: ALP, alkaline phosphatase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; CaPP, calcium phosphate product; n, number of cats; SBP, systolic blood pressure; USG, urine specific gravity.