Endothelial PERK Activation and JAG1 Over-expression in Human T-ALL. (A) NSG mice were IV injected with PBS (ctrl) or engrafted with human DND41 cells in 3 independent experiments. Marrow leukemia burden was determined by the expression of human CD45 (hCD45). Representative FACS profiles of host p-PERK and JAG1 in control mouse or DND41-engrafted mouse ECs (hCD45-). (B) Representative western blots of MS1 cells after being cultured with DND41 leukemia cells in the presence or the absence of CD from 3 similar experiments. (C) Quantification of PERK, p-eIF2a, ATF4, and JAG1 expression normalized to β-actin. (D) IHC staining of PERK, p-eIF2α, and JAG1(arrows) in human bone marrow tissues from two non-neoplastic (ctrl) or T-ALL cases. Images were taken under 200X magnification. Data shown in A are mean ± SD (n=5 from 3 experiments). Student t test was performed; *p<0.05; ** p<0.01.