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. 2022 Mar 30;22:98. doi: 10.1186/s12903-022-02131-3

Table 1.

List and description of cephalometric measurements used in this analysis

Linear measurements (mm) PNS-A, Maxillary length: the distance between PNS and A Unpaired
S-N, Anterior cranial fossa length: the distance between S and N Unpaired
N-Me, Total anterior facial height: the distance between N and Me Unpaired
N-ANS, Upper anterior facial height: the distance between N and ANS Unpaired
ANS-Me, Lower anterior facial height: the distance between ANS and Me Unpaired
Go L/R-Me, Mandibular body length: the distance between left and right Go and Me Bilateral
Go L/R -S, Posterior facial height: the distance between S and left and right Go Bilateral
Go L/R-Co L/R, Mandibular ramus height: the distance between left and right Cd and Go Bilateral
Angular measurements (deg) SNA, Anteroposterior projection of the maxilla: the angle formed between points S, N, and A Unpaired
SNB, Anteroposterior projection of the mandible: the angle formed between points S, N, and B Unpaired
ANB, Anteroposterior intermaxillary relationship: the angle formed between points A, N, and B. In 3D analysis, unlike traditional cephalometrics, the difference between SNA and SNB could differ from the value of ANB Unpaired
BaŜN, Cranial base angle: the angle between Ba, S, and N Unpaired
S-N^PNS-ANS, Craniomaxillary angle: the angle between the floor of the anterior cranial fossa and the palatal plane Unpaired
PNS-ANS^Go R/L-Me, Maxillomandibular (intermaxillary) angles: the angles between the palatal and mandibular planes Bilateral
S-N^Go R/L-Me, Craniomandibular angle: the angle between the floor of the anterior cranial fossa and the mandibular plane, measuring mandibular divergence Bilateral