Linear measurements (mm) |
PNS-A, Maxillary length: the distance between PNS and A |
Unpaired |
S-N, Anterior cranial fossa length: the distance between S and N |
Unpaired |
N-Me, Total anterior facial height: the distance between N and Me |
Unpaired |
N-ANS, Upper anterior facial height: the distance between N and ANS |
Unpaired |
ANS-Me, Lower anterior facial height: the distance between ANS and Me |
Unpaired |
Go L/R-Me, Mandibular body length: the distance between left and right Go and Me |
Bilateral |
Go L/R -S, Posterior facial height: the distance between S and left and right Go |
Bilateral |
Go L/R-Co L/R, Mandibular ramus height: the distance between left and right Cd and Go |
Bilateral |
Angular measurements (deg) |
SNA, Anteroposterior projection of the maxilla: the angle formed between points S, N, and A |
Unpaired |
SNB, Anteroposterior projection of the mandible: the angle formed between points S, N, and B |
Unpaired |
ANB, Anteroposterior intermaxillary relationship: the angle formed between points A, N, and B. In 3D analysis, unlike traditional cephalometrics, the difference between SNA and SNB could differ from the value of ANB |
Unpaired |
BaŜN, Cranial base angle: the angle between Ba, S, and N |
Unpaired |
S-N^PNS-ANS, Craniomaxillary angle: the angle between the floor of the anterior cranial fossa and the palatal plane |
Unpaired |
PNS-ANS^Go R/L-Me, Maxillomandibular (intermaxillary) angles: the angles between the palatal and mandibular planes |
Bilateral |
S-N^Go R/L-Me, Craniomandibular angle: the angle between the floor of the anterior cranial fossa and the mandibular plane, measuring mandibular divergence |
Bilateral |