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. 2022 Mar 16;13:775190. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.775190

Table 2.

The consistency model of MMSE.

BDJE −1.60 (−3.78, 0.56) −3.23 (−4.94, −1.53) −1.88 (−4.40, 0.63) −2.10 (−4.59, 0.44) −2.28 (−5.79, 1.20) −1.33 (−4.54, 1.76) −3.38 (−5.82, −0.97)
1.60 (−0.56, 3.78) FE −1.62 (−2.92, −0.31) −0.26 (−2.17, 1.58) −0.49 (−2.14, 1.16) −0.68 (−3.48, 2.08) 0.26 (−2.05, 2.59) −1.80 (−2.89, −0.72)
3.23 (1.53, 4.94) 1.62 (0.31, 2.92) HE 1.37 (−0.43, 3.12) 1.13 (−0.67, 2.98) 0.93 (−2.12, 3.97) 1.88 (−0.81, 4.52) −0.17 (−1.86, 1.53)
1.88 (−0.63, 4.40) 0.26 (−1.58, 2.17) −1.37 (−3.12, 0.43) LZJE −0.23 (−1.90, 1.41) −0.42 (−3.84, 2.94) 0.52 (−2.40, 3.42) −1.54 (−3.65, 0.64)
2.10 (−0.44, 4.59) 0.49 (−1.16, 2.14) −1.13 (−2.98, 0.67) 0.23 (−1.41, 1.90) RDA −0.20 (−3.38, 3.03) 0.76 (−2.03, 3.55) −1.31 (−3.29, 0.67)
2.28 (−1.20, 5.79) 0.68 (−2.08, 3.48) −0.93 (−3.97, 2.12) 0.42 (−2.94, 3.84) 0.20 (−3.03, 3.38) STE 0.95 (−0.51, 2.43) −1.09 (−3.60, 1.43)
1.33 (−1.76, 4.54) −0.26 (−2.59, 2.05) −1.88 (−4.52, 0.81) −0.52 (−3.42, 2.40) −0.76 (−3.55, 2.03) −0.95 (−2.43, 0.51) TC −2.04 (−4.13, 0.02)
3.38 (0.97, 5.82) 1.80 (0.72, 2.89) 0.17 (−1.53, 1.86) 1.54 (−0.64, 3.65) 1.31 (−0.67, 3.29) 1.09 (−1.43, 3.60) 2.04 (−0.02, 4.13) UC

BDJE, Baduanjin exercise; FE, finger exercise; HE, health education; LZJE, Liuzijue exercise; RDA, routine daily activities; STE, stretching and toning exercise; TC, Tai Chi; UC, usual care.