Forces (F, in cN) and moments (M, in cNmm) at the final positions of 4.5 mesial and 4.5 distal rotations. When the test tooth is 4.5 mesial rotated, forces and moments are created to disto-rotate the tooth (Mx positive).
Attachment | x-Axis | y-Axis | z-Axis | ||||||||||
Fx | Mx | Fy | My | Fz | Mz | ||||||||
+ (extrusion) − (Intrusion) | + (distal rotation) − (mesial rotation) | + (distal) − (Mesial) | + (lingual root torque) //− (buccal root torque) | + (lingual) − (Buccal) | + (distal tipping) − (Mesial tipping) | ||||||||
Tooth Rotation | 4.5° Mesial | 4.5° Distal | 4.5° Mesial | 4.5° Distal | 4.5° Mesial | 4.5° Distal | 4.5° Mesial | 4.5° Distal | 4.5° Mesial | 4.5° Distal | 4.5° Mesial | 4.5° Distal | |
Group 1: “Rectangular Vertical” | VRecUp | −170 | −70 | 7,640 | −9,218 | 27 | −151 | −9,627 | 7,497 | 330 | −255 | 2,662 | −4,020 |
VRecDOWN | −159 | −40 | 6,761 | −9,221 | −5 | −216 | −7,546 | 7,704 | 266 | −264 | 1,476 | −5,402 | |
Group 2: “Rectangular Horizontal” | HRecR | −165 | 3 | 6,560 | −6,965 | 21 | −136 | −6,641 | 5,118 | 224 | −176 | 1941 | −4,645 |
HRecL | −75 | −79 | 3,857 | −5,200 | 24 | −86 | −5,298 | 2,956 | 176 | −93 | 1862 | −2,438 | |
3Shape®Box | −177 | 52 | 5,680 | −3,680 | 44 | −67 | −4,575 | 3,250 | 109 | −78 | 1897 | −2,274 | |
Bevelled | −118 | −38 | 2,584 | −6,827 | 22 | −93 | −1,083 | 3,911 | 37 | −145 | 1,208 | −2,392 | |
Group 3: “Ellipsoid Vertical” | Vellipsoid | −147 | −36 | 5,515 | −5,245 | 73 | −117 | −5,948 | 5,880 | 193 | −184 | 2,762 | −3,434 |
Group 4: “Ellipsoid Horizontal” | Hellipsoid | −122 | −9 | 4,850 | −1956 | 54 | −40 | −4,578 | 1909 | 165 | −63 | 2,527 | −1,307 |
HemiEllipR | −135 | 28 | 4,674 | −3,351 | 56 | −20 | −3,378 | 3,002 | 110 | −113 | 2,324 | −945 | |
HemiEllipL | −170 | 23 | 7,861 | −5,358 | 69 | −116 | −8,116 | 5,245 | 301 | −184 | 3,357 | −3,500 | |
Group 5: “Other” | ElliPair | −98 | −27 | 5,195 | −8,456 | 29 | −173 | −5,233 | 6,520 | 184 | −229 | 1,643 | −4,424 |
NoAtt | −65 | −137 | 2,198 | −1,582 | 64 | −10 | −2042 | 1970 | 67 | −60 | 2,363 | −96 |