Table 1 ∣.
Treatment | t prog | t fail | t surv |
No treatment | 0 | 77 | 226 |
Ideal MTD | 186 | 263 | 412 |
MTD (Cmax = 2) | 236 | 314 | 463 |
C = 1.09 | 303 | 397 | 549 |
Containment at N0 (Cmax = 2) | 318 | 418 | 568 |
Ideal containment at N0 | 340 | 417 | 566 |
C = 1.07 from N = Ntol | 0 | 543 | 731 |
Containment at Ntol (Cmax = 2) | 0 | 580 | 767 |
Ideal containment at Ntol | 0 | 615 | 764 |
Intermittent containment (Cmax = 2) between 0.5 N0 and N0 | 317 | 398 | 547 |
Intermittent containment (Cmax = 2) between 0.8N0 and N0 | 325 | 411 | 561 |
Ideal intermittent containment between 0.5 N0 and N0 | 320 | 397 | 546 |
Ideal intermittent containment between 0.8N0 and N0 | 333 | 410 | 559 |
The constant dose or delayed constant doses C = 1.09 and C = 1.07 maximize tprog and tfail, respectively, among all constant dose or delayed constant dose treatments. Times are measured in days. Note that intermittent containment between N0 and Nmin=0.8N0 leads to a larger time to progression than containment at N0, but to a lower time to treatment failure and survival time. This is discussed in the Supplementary Information, section 4.3.