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. 2022 Mar 21;21(1):e12453. doi: 10.1002/rmb2.12453


Number of cryopreservation procedures in cancer patients performed according to the type of cryopreserved material at Japanese Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology‐certified assisted reproductive technology institutions that responded to the survey

Cryopreserved material Procedures, n
2011–2015 (5 years) 2016–2019 (4 years)
Embryos only 527 1246
Oocytes only 458 1222
Embryos +oocytes 100 69
Total (embryos, oocytes) 1085 2537
Ovarian tissue 97 97
Ovarian tissue +oocytes 21 37
Ovarian tissue +embryos 3 8
Ovarian tissue +embryos + oocytes 1 36
Total (ovarian tissue) 122 178
Total (all materials) 1207 2715