Figure 5.
JUNO mass ordering sensitivity boosting. A significant increase of JUNO intrinsic sensitivity () is possible exploiting the LBB’s disappearance (DC) characterised by depending strongly on the uncertainty of . Today’s NuFit5.0 average LBB-II’s precision on is . A rather humble 1.0% precision is possible, consistent with doubling the statistics if systematics allowed. Since NOvA and T2K are expected to increase their exposures by about factors of before the shutdown, sub-percent precision may also be within reach. While the ultimate precision is unknown, we shall consider a precision to illustrate this possibility. So, JUNO alone (intrinsic + boosting) could yield a (i.e., 16) MO sensitivity, at 84% probability, within the LBB-II era. A 5 potential may not be impossible, depending on fluctuations. Similarly, JUNO may further increase in significance to resolve ( or ) a pure vacuum oscillations MO measurement in combination with the LBB-III’s information.