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. 2022 Mar 17;13:851497. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.851497

Table 2.

COVID-19-related ARDS patients’ characteristics at the time of blood sampling.

Survivors Non-survivors p-value
N = 25 N = 25
Age (years) 60 [54–70] 62 [52–69] 0.99
Sex (male) 17 (68%) 17 (68%) 1.00
Body mass index (kg/m²) 28 [25–38] 31 [27–36] 0.65
Hypertension 13 (52%) 18 (72%) 0.48
Diabetes mellitus 5 (20%) 11 (44%) 0.15
Chronic kidney disease 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1.00
Chronic heart disease 5 (20%) 2 (8%) 0.39
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 1 (4%) 11 (44%) <0.01
Immunosuppressive drug before COVID-19 3 (12%) 8 (32%) 0.39
SOFA 4 [2–9] 5 [2–8] 0.99
PaO2/FiO2 (mmHg) 149 [115–275] 160 [86–212] 0.39
Fibrinogen (g/L) 7.6 [6.7–9] 7.5 [5.1–8.5] 0.39
D-dimers (mg/L) 1,342 [751–3,760] 3,450 [1,930–8,850] 0.05
Platelets (/mm3) 294,000 [178,000–393,000] 166,000 [107,000–297,000] 0.06
Neutrophils (/mm3) 5,240 [4,100–9,000] 7,850 [4,430–13,980] 0.26
Lymphocytes (/mm3) 840 [680–1,400] 750 [325–1,025] 0.12
Albumin (g/L) 23 [18–26.8] 25 [18–28.5] 0.64
C-reactive protein (mg/L) 137 [77–229] 118 [69–267] 0.88
Invasive ventilation 19 (83%) 25 (100%) 0.27
ECMO 1 (4%) 8 (32%) 0.005
Corticosteroids 8 (32%) 10 (40%) 0.72
Immunomodulating agents 4 (16%) 4 (16%) 1.00
Antiviral agents 8 (32%) 9 (36%) 1.00

Continuous variables are presented as median and interquartile range and are compared using Mann–Whitney test. Categorical variables are expressed as the number of patients (percentage) and are compared using Fisher’s exact test. ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; MPO–DNA, myeloperoxidase–DNA; SOFA, sequential organ failure assessment score; %ST, % Standard NETs.