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. 2022 Mar 17;12:826114. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2022.826114

Table 2.

Summary of published cFMT preparation methods.

Disease Preparation of inocula Capsule materials Dose and # of patients Storage Reference
rCDI Single-donor fecal slurry was concentrated by centrifugation and resuspended (1:10) in saline with 10% glycerol added as a bacterial cryoprotectant. Encapsulated using commercially available acid-resistant hypromellose capsules (DRcaps, Capsugel–acid resistant).
Inocula added to size 0 capsules (650 µl) were closed and then secondarily sealed in size 00 capsules.
15 capsules administered on two consecutive days. Capsules were frozen and stored at −80°C. (Youngster et al., 2014a)
rCDI Single-donor sample mixed in 200 cc of 0.9% normal saline and filtered using a stomacher bag to produce 180 cc of fecal slurry. The slurry was mixed with 20 cc of 100% glycerol (10% final conc.). Encapsulated using No. 1 gelatin capsules (1889-02; Medisca) then secondarily sealed with No. 0 (2009-02; Medisca) and No. 00 (1109-02; Medisca) capsules. Gelatin capsules used were not acid resistant. Single dose of 40 capsules (360 ml of fecal microbiota total). Capsules were flash frozen at −55°C on dry ice and stored at −70°C. (Kao et al., 2017)
rCDI 100 grams of stool/donor donation were processed within 4 h of passage by mixing a 1:5 dilution in 500 ml of sterile 0.85% NaCl containing glycerol followed by filtering twice through double-layered woven gauze prior to lyophilization. Encapsulated using 00-size acid-resistant capsules. 2 doses of 100 g of fecal microbiota each. 24 hours apart. Capsules were stored at 4°C. (Jiang et al., 2018)
IBS 12 g of fresh donor stool was frozen with 30% glycerol prior to encapsulation. Double encapsulated using Capsugel DRcaps size 0 and 00. 25 capsules every morning for 12 days. Each daily dose contained 12 g frozen fecal material. Capsules were frozen at −20°C and stored at 5°C. (Halkjær et al., 2018)
SIBO 250 ml of sterile normal saline was added to 100–150 g of fecal matter for homogenization. After the slurry was filtered, trehalose, a cryopreservant, was added for lyophilization. The final bacterial concentration was 60 mg/ml. Encapsulated using enteric-soluble capsules of 0.9 g/grain. 16 capsules once a week for 4 weeks. Capsules were frozen and stored at -80°C. (Xu et al., 2021)
Obese adults with mild to moderate insulin resistance Fecal samples were suspended in saline and sieved. The slurry was then resuspended in saline at one-tenth the volume of the initial sample with 10% glycerol for freezing. Encapsulated using size 0 capsules (650 µl), which were closed and then secondarily sealed in size 00 capsules. 15 capsules (for two consecutive days, then 15 capsules once a week for the following 5 weeks. Each capsule contained approximately 1.6 g; frozen fecal material. Capsules were frozen and stored at -80°C. (Yu et al., 2020)
Obese adults without diabetes, metabolic syndrome, or steatohepatitis FMT preparation was performed using OpenBiome’s microbiota services. Donor stool was frozen with glycerol and glycerol before being encapsulated. Double encapsulated in size 00 capsules with a gelatin interior capsule and an acid-resistant exterior capsule. 30 capsules were given as induction dose with maintenance dose of 12 capsules at weeks 4 and 8. Capsules were stored at -20°C. (Allegretti et al., 2020)
Obese and/or dyslipidemic adults Fecal samples were suspended in saline and sieved. The slurry was then resuspended in saline at one-tenth the volume of the initial sample and frozen with 10% glycerol. Encapsulated using size 0 capsules (650 µl), which were closed and then secondarily sealed in size 00 capsules. 10 capsules containing 1 g fecal microbiota material each were administered on ten occasions over a 6-month period (100 capsules total). Capsules were frozen and stored at -80°C. (Rinott et al., 2021)
Obese adolescents Each capsule contained 0.25 g of fresh fecal matter pooled from four donors. The donor stool was then mixed with 0.5 ml of a cryoprotective saline solution (0.9% NaCl, 15% glycerol) and frozen. Double encapsulated acid-resistant DRcaps™. 28 capsules over two consecutive days. Each capsule contained 0.25 g of microbiota. Capsules were frozen and stored at -80°C. (Wilson et al., 2021)
HIV FMT preparation was performed using OpenBiome’s microbiota services. Donor stool was frozen with glycerol and glycerol before encapsulated. Double encapsulated in size 00 capsules with a gelatin interior capsule and an acid-resistant exterior capsule. 10 capsules were given in the first dose followed by 5 capsules weekly for seven weeks. (45 capsules containing 30 g of stool total was given over eight weeks.). Capsules were stored at -20°C. (Serrano-Villar et al., 2021)