Figure 1.
MUC1 O-glycosylation by multiple GalNAc-Ts. (A) MUC14TR template used in this study. (B) 3D structure of the GalNAc-Ts isoforms used in this study and complexed with a glycopeptide (GalNAc-T2 PDB ID: 5AJP; GalNAc-T3 PDB ID: 6S24; GalNAc-T4 PDB ID: 6H0B). The lectin binding site is highlighted and displays GalNAc in yellow sticks and the essential Asp residue, conserved in all isoforms, in pink sticks. The Asp established H-bonds with OH-3 and OH-4 of GalNAc, which are identified as dashed blue lines.