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. 2022 Apr;33(4):839–849. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2021091262

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of the maintenance dialysis population by vaccine exposure

Characteristics Never Vaccinated Received at least One Dose Standardized Differencee
Individuals, n 2403 11,356
Age group (years), n (%)
 18–39 209 (9) 606 (5) 0.13
 40–69 1282 (53) 5438 (48) 0.11
 ≥70 912 (38) 5312 (47) 0.18
Age (years), median (IQR) 64 (53–74) 68 (58–77)
Women, n % 953 (40) 4484 (40) 0
Ethnicity, n (%)
 Asian 161 (7) 933 (8) 0.06
 Black 269 (11) 686 (6) 0.18
 White 1346 (56) 6758 (60) 0.07
 Indian Subcontinenta 189 (8) 1102 (10) 0.06
 Other non-White 340 (14) 1502 (13) 0.03
 Unknown 98 (4) 375 (3) 0.04
Comorbidity, n (%)
 Diabetes 1253 (52) 5750 (51) 0.03
 Cardiac disease 824 (34) 3513 (31) 0.07
 Cancer 193 (8) 879 (8) 0.01
CCI, mean (SD)b 4.3 (2.2) 4.1 (2) 0.1
Years on dialysis, median (IQR) 1.8 (0.3–4.4) 2 (0.6–4.4) 0.01
Home dialysis,c n (%) 589 (25) 2848 (25) 0.01
Long-term care, n (%) 99 (4) 436 (4) 0.01
Public health unit regions, n (%)
 Central East 150 (6) 817 (7) 0.04
 Central West 423 (18) 1979 (17) 0.01
 Durham 96 (4) 582 (5) 0.05
 Eastern 157 (7) 765 (7) 0.01
 North 203 (8) 904 (8) 0.02
 Ottawa 118 (5) 650 (6) 0.04
 Peel 333 (14) 1223 (11) 0.09
 Southwest 260 (11) 1073 (9) 0.05
 Toronto 536 (22) 2578 (23) 0.01
 York 122 (5) 773 (7) 0.07
 Missing 5 12
Income quintiles, n (%)
 1 (lowest) 766 (32) 3158 (28) 0.09
 2 515 (21) 2517 (22) 0.02
 3 463 (19) 2120 (19) 0.02
 4 345 (14) 1969 (17) 0.08
 5 (highest) 304 (13) 1548 (14) 0.03
 Missing 10 44
Economic dependency index,d n (%)
 1 (least marginalized) 375 (16) 1983 (18) 0.05
 2 466 (19) 2003 (18) 0.05
 3 421 (18) 2146 (19) 0.04
 4 541 (23) 2372 (21) 0.04
 5 (most marginalized) 578 (24) 2780 (25) 0.01
 Missing 22 72
Previous PCR tests, n (%)
 0 483 (20) 2555 (22) 0.06
 1 627 (26) 2953 (26) 0
 2 455 (19) 2136 (19) 0
 ≥3 838 (35) 3712 (33) 0.05

Vaccine status was defined as of June 30, 2021. CCI, Charlson Comorbidity Index; IQR, interquartile range.


Includes Pacific Islander, Aboriginal, Middle Eastern/Arabian, Latin American, and other/multiracial. These categories are based on the classification scheme of the Canadian Organ Replacement Registry and the Ontario Renal Reporting System.


CCI includes include chronic respiratory diseases, chronic heart diseases, hypertension, diabetes, immunocompromising conditions due to underlying diseases or therapy, autoimmune diseases, CKD, advanced liver disease, dementia/frailty, and history of stroke or transient ischemic attack.


Home hemodialysis and home peritoneal dialysis.


Economic dependency is one of four indexes in the Canadian Index of Multiple Deprivation and relates to reliance on the workforce, or a dependence on sources of income other than employment income.


Bold indicates differences between groups.