Figure 1.
Age-dependent T-cell telomere length (TL) and its relation to T-cell clonal expansion. (a) displays age-dependent TL before () and after (
) clonal expansion. Naïve T-cell clonal expansion shortens telomeres by Δ, where Δmax is T-cell telomere shortening resulting from expansion to form the maximal clonal size (MCS). The telomeric brink (TLB) of 5 kb is TL that increases the risk of cessation of replication. TL20 is TL at 20 years, TLO is telomeric onset, which indicates the shortest T-cell TL that enables attaining MCS. XO is age of onset of clonal expansion limitation. (b) displays T-cell clonal expansion size vs age from XO. Circle areas depict relative clonal size at and after XO. Light blue circle is MCS.